Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is a holiday that is commemorated on February 14 in much of the world, especially in the countries of the northern hemisphere, where it seeks to highlight the love between lovers, feelings, romanticism and also friendship. It has a high symbology so this celebration is accompanied by very unique gifts such as flowers, chocolates, letters or love cards and all those details that allow love to be expressed between lovers.

Who was Valentine?

The origin of this celebration is Christian and dates back to an event that occurred in the thirteenth century AD in Rome. There, a priest named Valentin steadfastly opposed the order issued by Emperor Claudius II to ban the marriage of young people throughout the empire and thus be able to use them as soldiers in wars. It happened that the priest Valentin began to secretly marry the couples of young lovers, however, shortly after the Emperor Claudius is aware of the contempt and has him brought before him and then order his execution, which was carried out on the 14th. February of the year 270. In honor of this sacrifice he is called the patron saint of lovers.

Celebration of love and friendship in other countries

Not all countries celebrate February 14 as Valentine's Day. In Bolivia and Colombia, the Day of Love and Friendship is celebrated on the third Saturday of September. In Uruguay, the chosen date is moved to the month of October. In Brazil there is Dia dos Namorados that corresponds to June 12 in honor of San Antonio de Padua, who also united lovers in marriage. While in Egypt the celebration is postponed to November 4. In China there was already a similar celebration, it is the Qi Qiao Jie, which is commemorated on the seventh day of the 7th month in the lunar calendar. In Israel it is dated July 30 and is known as the Tu Be Ay.

Valentine's Day trivia

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