Palm Sunday is a Christian celebration that corresponds to the sixth Sunday of Lent and that begins the commemoration of Holy Week or Major Week. It does not have an established date in the annual calendar, so it is subject to the date designated for Holy Week, which usually takes place either in the month of March or in the month of April. On this day, Christians commemorate the triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem, accompanied by his apostles, where he was received as king among branches and mantles by the crowd.

Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

According to the New Testament gospels, Jesus, who was with his apostles in the village of Bethphage, sent two of them to fetch a donkey that was tied to a tree and then mount it and go to Jerusalem. With this, what the Holy Scriptures prophesied would be fulfilled: “Look, your King is coming towards you, meek, sitting on a donkey”. Arriving at the city he was greeted by the crowd that acclaimed him as the Son of God and as his King, placing white cloaks and waving branches as he passed.

Palm Sunday celebrations

In the Christian world, the celebration has as its central event the Palm procession. It's practically a party. In cities and towns the faithful congregate who attend a colorful parade full of waved palms, which are usually willow branches or other branches, accompanied by war bands, holy images carried by the parishioners. All this in honor of Jesus. In some places there are theatrical performances of Jesus riding on a donkey followed by his apostles. By tradition, the procession runs through the main streets towards the temple, where the Holy Mass takes place.

About Palm Sunday

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