Christmas Eve is a Christian holiday that commemorates the Birth of the Child God. It is held annually on the night of December 24, on Christmas Eve . It is a date of family celebration and rejoicing for the arrival of Jesus to the world as the savior of humanity.

Origin of Christmas Eve.

In the early years of Christianity, Christmas Eve was established as the celebration of the birth of Jesus that took place in Bethlehem of Judah. According to the gospels of the New Testament, Israel was under the rule of the Roman Empire, and by decree of the Emperor, all the inhabitants of the provinces had to take a census in their place of birth. For this reason, Joseph and Mary had to move from Galilee to Bethlehem, where Joseph would make his registration. By then Mary was pregnant and while in Bethlehem labor pains came to her, forcing them to look for an inn, but not finding one and being already night, they had to go to a manger, where there were sheep, a donkey and a ox. There in a stable surrounded by animals and on straw Jesus was born,

christmas eve celebration

The Catholic Church allocates within the liturgical calendar a period of preparation for the birth of Jesus, which it calls Advent (from the Latin Adventus )., which means Coming) a time between 23 to 28 days prior to the Christmas period. During Advent, the church prepares itself for the spiritual preparation of the faithful for the reception of the Messiah as the savior of mankind. It is also traditional in some regions of Latin America to carry out the novena of bonuses to the Child God, they make Nativity Scenes, which is a representation of the stable the night that Mary gave birth, with figures such as sheep, the donkey and the ox accompanying the cradle and waiting for Jesus. During the night of December 24, the Midnight Mass, also called the Shepherd's Mass, takes place, which is usually held until midnight, when it is believed that the Child of God was born.

Families gather for the traditional Christmas Eve Dinner, exchange gifts, gather around the Christmas tree, sing Christmas carols and await the arrival of Jesus.

Other Origins of Christmas Eve

It is believed that the celebration of Christmas Eve has a pagan origin and it was the Church that adopted this holiday. Some accounts maintain that this date coincides with the paid festival called Saturnalia or Sol Invict us , in honor of the winter solstice that begins on the same date. These peoples had the custom of sharing gifts and making great banquets and offerings to the Sun God so that the crops would return to their crops. In order to impose Christian customs, it was established to hold Christmas Eve on December 24, very close to the date of these pagan celebrations.

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